Zbarazski |
The Zbarazskis is the ancient aristocratic Volin family and the relatives of the Vishnevetskis.
The place and role in the history of Podillia are of great importance, because the representatives of this family had great political and military abilities. The family came to Bratslavshchina after the Ostrozki and Koretski princes in the second half of XVIth century and stayed there for more than 60 years.Stephan Zbarazkiy fought in Livon War together with the king Batoriy, and soon got the estate in the south-east of Bratslavshchina. His nephew Janush Zbarazkiy became the governor of Bratslav in 1576 and was at that post for 32 years. Janush had to defend steppe borders from tatars, and the fortune was inclined to him. In 1576 he defeated great Nogayski horde near Zaslavl; a year before he defended Zbarazh from the Crimeans.
For strengthening of his position on the lands of Bratslavshchina Janush Zbarazkiy built some fortificated castles - Priluka (1594), Dashiv (1590) and Bershad (1617). They symbolized the power of the family on the East-Podolian lands. Janush Zbarazkiy succeeded not only as a military man, but as a diplomat as well. In 1596 he negotiated with the Papal nuncio Gaetano on the pretext of the formation of the sacred union against the Ottoman Porte. Janush Zbarazkiy died in 1608.
His sons Ezi and Krishtof continued his business. Especially energetic was life of Ezi Zbarazkiy. He studied in Netherlands and after coming back he served under the leadership of Jan Zamoyskiy. In 1609 he took part in the Moscow campaign. After returning from Moscow together with great crown hetman S. Zholkevskiy went to steppe borders where they fought with Turkish commander Iscander-Basha. After signing a peace treaty in 1617 Zbarazkiy had to burn his own fortress Bershad on demand of Turks. After a successful mission in 1622 that statesman was highly thought of in Rich Pospolita.
At that time after the defeat of the Polish army in Cecora (1620) and the death of Stanislav Zholkevskiy the part of the military leadership of Rich Pospolita was captured by Turks. The negotiations in Istanbul headed by Zbarazkiy helped to free those people from captivity. Ezi Zbarazkiy was the last representative of his family. The family did not exist since 1631, when Ezi died.All the possessions got to Vishnevetskis who also had a great influence in Bratslavshchina. Thus, Andrey Vishnevetskiy was the governor of Bratslav in 1572-1576 and Mikhaylo Vishnevetskiy occupied a post of kashtelian of Bratslav.